Imagination recreated


Looking through the window, I see beyond the hills and valleys, a lovely orange sun setting beyond the skies and a shadow of darkness descending . The clouds have painted a hue of colors that appear to be dancing in the backdrop and  faint stars are slowly making their elusive appearance.

I slip into a dream world with such magic around me seeping into my system , gradually making me a part of this beauty and enchantment, I ponder wondering whether this is a dream or a real world experience,  but it matters little when I consider the joy it brings into my heart.

Life is a beautiful experience once we adopt things around us looking in the happenings of our lives with the attitude of a positive human being who is lost but yet is happy… The greatest secret of everlasting happiness is recreating our imagination….


Sometimes we stop and think of the past , of a hundred years ago when life would have been so very different. We never had technology or i-phones, but when we may have had the time to sit on such embankments and immerse our legs in the water and gazed at the white blue skies.

Work may have been easy and we may have had time for everyone we cared about, someone we could talk to and share our thoughts with.Life may have not been mere Facebook and twitter message. Those may have been times when Facebook meant , we saw each other faces and carried books to record our memories.

I would like to ponder and wonder ,would such times come back or would we keep advancing into this technology filled world day after day and finally have these memories in photographs only or would we make some effort to bring back these times……
