The Spaces within


There have always been multiple occasions in life when we always have come across situations that have confronted us. They have probably been the darkest moments of Life that have destroyed the peace and tranquility that prevailed in our amazingly built lives that we created, molded and carved. Theses ‘ The spaces within ‘ are the challenges that will either make us or break us in the journey of Life.

The creation of spaces are either what we create or what are externally made, yet the consequences are mostly the same ‘Affecting us’ and filling in these spaces is what we can undertake to equip ourselves with a mechanism to deal with out plight.

You can’t give up when you touch a bad road, and the secret to accomplish your journey  is to hold on and consider situations, review where you stand and find alternatives. You cant let life beat you because we all are here to beat it….

Magic is Born


The magic we experience is the magic we create. A magic show would never make an impact in your life the way your own spell does….There’s so much around us that we never utilize, Skies that go on for miles and hide behind the sun, Rain showers that sing tunes of life as they fall to earth, Little ripples of water that draw patterns across the lakes surface.

Are those the things in life that we enjoy, We should and we can if we want to, because they are the spells of Life, The magic that we can create for ourselves, if only we opened up our hearts to them……

A Thought of thinking

There is always a feeling within us most of the time that all that we do is not always the precise thing in life that we wished to do or we want to, yet we always end up being in situations that we wanted to be away from, Should I call this a phase of life where every human becomes a part of or should I term it as an individual choice or an independent decision. Whatever be the causes , there will always be very little we will fall back on especially after the storm is over.

We always have choices with our lives, choosing the best is what we should decide upon, No decision taken in haste or confusion is a decision that we can be proud of over time. Spend a thought in thinking and save a thought for thinking….

The Childhood


Those days shall last forever, those cries would ring in the ears and would have been a hindrance at one time, but not anymore. Those minutes can be remembered like every tick of the clock that sounded down the hallway.

To rewind this phase of our journey will take us through the most beautiful parts of our lifetime, something that we would always remember for the rest of our days…

Patience of the Past


When I look at this carving, it just reminds me of the patience man may have had to painstakingly carved this beautiful sculpture. What could it have taken ! Weeks, Maybe months, maybe even years. All done hundreds of years ago without any modern tools or machinery. An artwork of mankind that would probably last a few hundred of years more.

I took this picture with one intention in mind. To remind myself of the determination of a civilization that survived for hundreds of years..