Shadows of the night

Creeping out of the shadows, the mystery of night unfolds itself like a lily , that depends on the moonlight to express its beauty to mankind.The hooting of the own, fills the lonely night and the moon peeping from behind the dark clouds, illuminating patches of dew wet grass….These happenings make one get lost.. in thought, the mind would wander, the heart would skip beats and we step into a world of fanstasy and just wish, it always remained this way…

Your worth

I would like to reflect on a few things that would probably make me understand more about my self and even more about the world around me. The world was made a beautiful place, but civilization destroyed it and made it what it is today. As I type these few lines , hundreds are losing their innocent lives to atrocities of arson, robbery,theft,rape. Every incident is associated with jealousy, gain,greed etc. It’s funny for the sheer fact that all our gains on earth would remain very much here on earth. We go empty handed, in very much the same way as when we got here.

We amass all that we can, and as fast as we can , in the hope that we come out as the winner,  but we just need to pause for a moment , because we aren’t winning any marathon in life, we are just burning our existence away in the vain hope that we are achieving for tomorrow, when actually we are not….Alone 1


The Hypocrite in you

Hardly visible, unknown and silent, it exists in each one of us thriving like a virus, waiting to attack, the only difference is that we are the victim, and the only one are we… Our actions would take over the heart, mind and soul, making us realize a little and hardly making us rethink of situations that can be undone , if only we wished..We overlook relations, love and barriers, all we see is our gain…

Be Who You are

In the course of our development, as human beings, we acquire many traits which arise from our experience, and constitute our conditioned responses. We learn that some things we do will gain the approval of others, and appropriate rewards, while different actions will result in varying degrees of disapproval, or punishment, and this shapes us over time. There are some who believe that this conditioning is the key to understanding a person, and they are right, to some extent. To assert that this is all there is to a person, however, one must assume that we are all born with a blank slate for a personality, and that everyone is equipped with a similar set of skills to be developed. From what I have seen, though, conditioning, personality traits, and abilities, all manifest independently.

In addition, the expectations of others, and the resources available to bring our dreams and desires to fruition, also vary independently. Frustration comes about when these factors are pulling us in different directions, at the same time. What we feel, what we think we want, what we really want, what others would like, what we are capable of, and what is expected, can all be different. The result of this condition is often confusion about the best course of action to take. To make such a decision, when our deciding factors are in conflict, requires courage, savvy, and forbearance. We must each make difficult choices, and these choices will shape our character as we act upon them. What kind of person you become, in the future, follows from what you believe now, and what you do today, but don’t you wish you could just be yourself, and not worry about such things?YOU ARE