Magic is Born


The magic we experience is the magic we create. A magic show would never make an impact in your life the way your own spell does….There’s so much around us that we never utilize, Skies that go on for miles and hide behind the sun, Rain showers that sing tunes of life as they fall to earth, Little ripples of water that draw patterns across the lakes surface.

Are those the things in life that we enjoy, We should and we can if we want to, because they are the spells of Life, The magic that we can create for ourselves, if only we opened up our hearts to them……

The New Life wish

Iceberg arch and sailboat off the coast of Greenland
I imagine a world recreated without the flaws that we have compromised for and have adjusted to , living within the hostile environment as thou, it’s the best life we bargained for.

I would happily trod back a thousand years to the times of the wise men, when we lived without anything much, but were amazingly happy. Where we toiled from dawn to dusk in the fields but took pride in relishing a simple meal placed before us.

When we spent precious moments with our loved ones and shared relationships that we treasured for a lifetime.

When we sat and had long talks about our childhood and cherished the memories as thou we still were children…

For these are the times that we live in ,far from what we want and wishing for the new life…

The Lessons for today

First, believe in the world—that there is meaning behind everything.

Don’t look back—forward, infinite energy, infinite enthusiasm, infinite daring, and infinite patience then alone can great deeds be accomplished.

This is the first lesson to learn: be determined not to curse anything outside, not to lay the blame upon anyone outside, but stand up, lay the blame on yourself.You will find that is always true. Get hold of yourself.

Copy of Fiction cried for

Psalm 23:1

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

If you live long enough, sooner or later you will work for a terrible boss. I don’t know what your pet peeves are, but these two bother me the most: a boss who thinks he or she is too important to be bothered with the likes of me, or one who deems me so incompetent that my every move must be monitored and measured.

Today’s verse was written during a time when the gods people worshiped were either distant and detached or frantically orchestrating the events of life. They were moody, arrogant, and conniving—always looking out for themselves.

But here, the writer gives us a different picture of God—the one true God. He calls him our shepherd. A shepherd is neither distant nor controlling, neither indifferent nor smothering. Yet he is very present.

God demonstrates care for us by leading, protecting, and providing. He is aware of our needs and hurts and is responsible for our welfare. With a shepherd like that, what more could we want?

What is missed by life

You may think that you don’t lead that much of a beautiful life, but you are wrong. Those nights when you’ve stayed up just smiling about something or someone that made your day, embrace it. I can guarantee it will always be the little things that make your life special and remarkable, not the materialistic ones. So with this said, I challenge you to get lost in it, all of it, this is the only way you can live the most fulfilling life possible. Lastly, it is important to remind the ones you care for and love how happy you are that they get to share the beauty in the world with you, because who knows they could be gone tomorrow.



Empowering Habits


We each perform a number of habits every day. Most are unconscious, many are dis-empowering . When you exchange your dis empowering habits of thought and behavior to empowering ones, and your self-belief will naturally increase.

The irony is that if you look up the word ” Self Belief” in the dictionary, it’s not there yet. That’s because I had to create that term to describe the level of belief a person has in themselves. Self-belief is different from the misleading “self-esteem” or even “self-confidence”, which itself is a subset of self-belief.

Because positive self-belief leads to positive actions, which lead to positive results, which lead to even higher self-belief, building positive self-belief is critical to living a life of more wealth and happiness.

Once you break the code of having unstoppable self-belief, you can turn the tide and make the changes you really want in your life faster, easier and with far less effort.