

Are we lost in the world that we live and are we still searching for our ultimate destination somewhere out there or have we found our desires and retired from the world, if yes then when do we keep trying for power that we are never able to hold onto, hoard wealth we are never able to use in a lifetime and  create relationships we are never able to respect or regard…

We are all lost whether we agree or disagree to the fact and we should identify where we stand today…

Imagination recreated


Looking through the window, I see beyond the hills and valleys, a lovely orange sun setting beyond the skies and a shadow of darkness descending . The clouds have painted a hue of colors that appear to be dancing in the backdrop and  faint stars are slowly making their elusive appearance.

I slip into a dream world with such magic around me seeping into my system , gradually making me a part of this beauty and enchantment, I ponder wondering whether this is a dream or a real world experience,  but it matters little when I consider the joy it brings into my heart.

Life is a beautiful experience once we adopt things around us looking in the happenings of our lives with the attitude of a positive human being who is lost but yet is happy… The greatest secret of everlasting happiness is recreating our imagination….

Life’s Messages


Sometimes in Life we trip and fall , if we do get up the only reason we do is because we need to be on our feet without realizing that the fall we took was for a specific reason or reasons. How often do we actually realize the learning’s that we can absorb from our experiences. Life in short is about learning, living and leading everyday as long as we inhabit some space on earth….

The Childhood


Those days shall last forever, those cries would ring in the ears and would have been a hindrance at one time, but not anymore. Those minutes can be remembered like every tick of the clock that sounded down the hallway.

To rewind this phase of our journey will take us through the most beautiful parts of our lifetime, something that we would always remember for the rest of our days…

The New Life wish

Iceberg arch and sailboat off the coast of Greenland
I imagine a world recreated without the flaws that we have compromised for and have adjusted to , living within the hostile environment as thou, it’s the best life we bargained for.

I would happily trod back a thousand years to the times of the wise men, when we lived without anything much, but were amazingly happy. Where we toiled from dawn to dusk in the fields but took pride in relishing a simple meal placed before us.

When we spent precious moments with our loved ones and shared relationships that we treasured for a lifetime.

When we sat and had long talks about our childhood and cherished the memories as thou we still were children…

For these are the times that we live in ,far from what we want and wishing for the new life…

A million years of creation


I took this picture, early morning from across the Tungabhadra river. The air was cold and I could still hear the crickets and the frogs from along the water edge.

The water was cold all around, and I couldn’t help but wonder what a million years of creation would have been like !

Shadows of the famed civilization of the Vijaynagara Empire that once stood on the banks of this famous river could still be seen in the fading morning light, and I wish it would come back all over again….

Patience of the Past


When I look at this carving, it just reminds me of the patience man may have had to painstakingly carved this beautiful sculpture. What could it have taken ! Weeks, Maybe months, maybe even years. All done hundreds of years ago without any modern tools or machinery. An artwork of mankind that would probably last a few hundred of years more.

I took this picture with one intention in mind. To remind myself of the determination of a civilization that survived for hundreds of years..