

Are we lost in the world that we live and are we still searching for our ultimate destination somewhere out there or have we found our desires and retired from the world, if yes then when do we keep trying for power that we are never able to hold onto, hoard wealth we are never able to use in a lifetime and  create relationships we are never able to respect or regard…

We are all lost whether we agree or disagree to the fact and we should identify where we stand today…

Magic is Born


The magic we experience is the magic we create. A magic show would never make an impact in your life the way your own spell does….There’s so much around us that we never utilize, Skies that go on for miles and hide behind the sun, Rain showers that sing tunes of life as they fall to earth, Little ripples of water that draw patterns across the lakes surface.

Are those the things in life that we enjoy, We should and we can if we want to, because they are the spells of Life, The magic that we can create for ourselves, if only we opened up our hearts to them……

Life’s Role for you..


key-to-flamesWhen we look at Life, or let’s call it our life alone, we see that nothing is very much what we estimated of it or what we want it to be. There would always be a host of circumstances and situations that become a part of our daily routine which we find extremely difficult to cope with and even more difficult to understand.

We often find ourselves at cross roads with little or no solutions to our grievances. Often we consider ourselves lucky whenever we find resolutions to challenges and there are times when we reach the brink of our limits and sometimes take extreme steps.

We are humans and such decisions are inevitable but we should realize that it’s just one life that we have and in whatever the situation is’ Remember bad times never last forever” and it is essential that we hold on and never give up on our inner self. The will to go on should always be stronger than a negative situation that could be driving you insane….

We are far more luckier than a million others who live happy lives in wheelchairs, Hospital Beds and as Handicapped individuals. We have everything yet are unhappy about that Promotion, that overseas holiday, that health Ailment….If these are our troubles , then I wonder what real troubles are like….

Life’s Messages


Sometimes in Life we trip and fall , if we do get up the only reason we do is because we need to be on our feet without realizing that the fall we took was for a specific reason or reasons. How often do we actually realize the learning’s that we can absorb from our experiences. Life in short is about learning, living and leading everyday as long as we inhabit some space on earth….

The Childhood


Those days shall last forever, those cries would ring in the ears and would have been a hindrance at one time, but not anymore. Those minutes can be remembered like every tick of the clock that sounded down the hallway.

To rewind this phase of our journey will take us through the most beautiful parts of our lifetime, something that we would always remember for the rest of our days…